Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
الإستشاري الدكتور
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Jeddah 21499
Saudi Arabia
Green Building
Some practices, such as using renewable materials or passive solar design, date back millennia - ancient Greeks built entire cities so that all the homes received solar heat in the winter. They are still many sustainable Greeks and Roman building that were built from volcanic ash + Lime.
Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:
Principles of green building
Green building techniques minimize energy usage and destruction to the environment, as well as create safe, comfortable buildings for people. Here are three sets of principles to follow:
(from the brochure for the Green Building Conference '97 in Austin, TX, USA)
(from A Primer on Sustainable Building,
Rocky Mountain Institute)
(Environmental Building News)
One example of recent GREEN BUILDING
in Japan
Basic Information Definition of Green Building | Green Building History in the U.S. | Green Building Research | Green Building and EPA | More Information
Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance building.
Impacts of the built environment:
Aspects of Built Environment: | Consumption: | Environmental Effects: | Ultimate Effects : |
For example, green buildings may incorporate sustainable materials in their construction (e.g., reused, recycled-content, or made from renewable resources); create healthy indoor environments with minimal pollutants (e.g., reduced product emissions); and/or feature landscaping that reduces water usage (e.g., by using native plants that survive without extra watering).
There are a number of reasons to build green, including potential environmental, economic and social benefits.
The contemporary green building movement arose out of the need and desire for more energy efficient and environmentally friendly building practices.
The oil price increases of the 1970s spurred significant research and activity to improve energy efficiency and find renewable energy sources. This, combined with the environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s, led to the earliest experiments with contemporary green building.
The green building field began to come together more formally in the 1990s. A few early milestones in the U.S. include:
The Federal Commitment to Green Building: Experiences and Expectations (PDF) (89 pp, 3.8 MB, About PDF), a report of the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, provides a history of federal involvement with green building. Some of the key federal milestones include:
The White Paper on Sustainability: A Report on the Green Building Movement (PDF) (48 pp, 1.2 MB, About PDF) , published by the Building Design and Construction magazine, also contains a brief history of green building on pages 4-6.
Green building research is being done by national laboratories, private companies, universities, and industry. According to a USGBC report published in 2006, over 70 percent of the green building research is focused on energy and atmosphere research. The next largest category of research is materials and resources. Indoor environmental quality, including issues pertaining to air, is also being studied. The USGBC report, Green Building Research Funding: An Assessment of Current Activity in the United States (PDF) (37 pp, 316 KB, About PDF) , have additional information.
EPA Programs
EPA has a number of programs that provide resources to help you learn more about the components of green building and how to incorporate these green building concepts into different types of buildings.
Green Building Workgroup
EPA's Green Building Workgroup was formed in July 2003 to bring together the many programs across the Agency that work with the building and development sectors to improve their environmental performance. The Workgroup seeks to build effective EPA leadership in the green building movement by jointly informing, coordinating, and guiding the development of Agency policies, programs, partnerships, communications, and operations that influence building and development.
Greening EPA Buildings
To ensure that EPA's buildings and practices reflect the mission of protecting human health and the environment, EPA continuously works to reduce the environmental impact of its facilities and operations, from building new, environmentally sustainable structures to improving the energy efficiency of older buildings. A number of EPA facilities are actively pursuing or demonstrating green building principles.
Dear mohammed
A warm
If you are interested in becoming
a board member - please read this.
Current model chapter bylaws provide for a Board of Directors consisting of (USGBC recommends a minimum of seven) representatives from the USGBC membership categories. No more than two seats can be filled by any one membership category. Directors must be employed in the membership category for which they intend to run. The Nominating Committee is responsible for developing a slate of qualified candidates for annual elections.
USGBC Member Categories (and subcategories)
Building Controls
Product Manufacturers
Service Contractors
Commissioning Providers
Interior Designers
Landscape Architects
Criteria for the Nominating Committee in Evaluating Candidates for the Board. These are sample criteria for soliciting and evaluating nominees. The final criteria a chapter will use in soliciting and evaluating nominees should be included in the call for nominations.
1. Is employed by a USGBC member company in good standing that is registered in the pertinent membership category and is a full member in good standing of the chapter.
2. Brings substantive knowledge and experience from the pertinent membership category to help the Chapter design and implement programs relevant to that sector.
3. Brings important knowledge and contributions from one or more areas of special interest to the Chapter [include areas of special interest]:
4. Contributes to the Board’s diversity in geography, skills, and overall perspective.
5. Brings leadership expertise to contribute to the Chapter’s governance.
6. Brings the ability and willingness to influence key players and sectors in the industry including high priority sectors of real estate, corporate, energy/utility, finance, residential and product manufacturers.
7. Is able and willing to recruit new members for the USGBC and Chapter.
8. Is able and willing to serve on committees as needed including leadership positions.
9. Brings the ability and willingness to help secure funding for the Chapter’s programs through sponsorships, corporate and charitable sources, and other significant sources of funding.
10. Will abide by the USGBC’s conflict of interest policy.
11. Is able and willing to attend a majority of the Board meetings each year and participate in committee work as assigned.
Copyright this business. All rights reserved.
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Mobile 0504331820
جدة -- السعودية
Tampa- Florida - USA
تامبا - ولاية فلوريدا - امريكا الشمالية
United Arab Emirates - Dubai
دبي - الامارات العربية المتحدة
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Jeddah 21499
Saudi Arabia