Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
الإستشاري الدكتور
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Jeddah 21499
Saudi Arabia
After finishing my PhD on UK at 2003 on the durability of different types of cement, I tried to confirm the results of my PhD by encouraging the use of Saudi and Middle Eastern local IP Cement.
I have gotten the best workability and durability results from local natural Pozzolana in history, using the latest american mix design for IP cement that will be durable in the hot, marine and aggressive environment.
IP(MS) cement factory in Saudi had started the production of 5000-7000 tons daily of IP(MS) since 1998. Another IP cement factory in Saudi had started the production of 4000 tons daily of IP cement since 2001, but no research done by any of these factories shows the benefits or advantages of this local Pozzolana cement.
After 10 years of IP(MS) or IP cement production in Saudi, no ready mix concrete plant (total =150 plant ) is willing to use IP cement in their concrete production. Moreover, no civil engineer or consultant is brave enough to specify IP cement in his mix design.
After all these years no specification for IP cement in any ministry or government agency in Saudi.
I had to work hard alone to encourage the change of the concrete specification from Type v only in marine rich chloride-environment cement to IP cement.
At 2004, I printed the summary of my PhD and the benefits of natural pozzolana in concrete. I send the summary by fax and then e-mail it to civil many engineers, consultants, government engineers and material departments, civil engineering departments in Saudi Universities.
I made the first seminar in Saudi on the summary of my PhD and the benefits of natural Pozzolana in concrete, Royal commission at Yanbu, Saudi Arabia on June 2004.
I made different seminars in different locations as follows:
- Municipality of Jeddah. S.A on August 2007,
- Ameri-Steel Company, TN, USA on Jan. 2008
- Qaseem cement, Qaseem, S.A on April 2008
- Dubai Municipality, Dubai, UAE, on April 2008.
- I wrote the first paper in Saudi Arabia about the addition of natural pozzolana to concrete on Environmental and Development magazine at June 2005.
- I wrote a similar paper on Saudi Society of civil engineers magazine at Jan. 2008
- Another full-page was published in Al-Madina newspaper on Friday, 18th Sha’aban 1428H ( September 2007).
- Also a full-page was published in Okaz newspaper on Saturday 3rd July 2008 and another full page on Monday 5th July 2008.
The above newspapers and seminars mainly emphisize on the following topics :
1- Reducing the use of Sulphate-Resistance cement (Type v) in marine and chloride-rich environment in (e.g. Saudi Arabia and Gulf States)
2- Increasing the use of local natural pozzolana in cement, blocks, bricks and tiles.
3- The addition of natural pozzolana to the concrete will save energy for the cement factory, reduce the electric bill, mixing water, carbon emission, lung cancer, kidney failure and asthma by 20-70 %.
3- Raising the awarness of the public to use the blended cement in ready mix concrete and blocks plants instead of 100% OPC (Type i, ii or iii) or 100% SRPC (Type v) only.
These blended mixes are used in Europe and the United States to improve the durability, workability and sustainability of green building and construction.
In addition to the above chemical and physical benefits, we can reduce the global warming and carbon foot-print by adopting local building materials rather than using imported, expensive unsuitable cement additive (i.e. Silica Fume, Fly Ash or Slag).
4- All consultants, contractors and civil engineers must be educated in the latest technology in cement and concrete quality and green building.
5- Encouraging the Gulf States, Third World countries to establish green building council in each country as we had in Saudi and UAE.
6- Government, private sectors and cement factories must start sponsoring green building research in universites .
Finally, all these steps will help our nation and each country to do its part in the world by reducing global warming, saving the natural resources for our generations, producing comfortable, affordable and green sustainable buildings from our local and affordable building materials (renewable resourses)
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein, PhD
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، وبعد:
الرجاء الإطلاع على بعض الإنجازات والمحاضرات والدورات كمستشار سابق لوكيل أمين جدة للتعمير والمشاريع بخصوص إستعمال الإسمنت البوزلاني في جميع مشاريع الدولة ، لأنه يعمل على تخفيض الإحتباس الحراري والتلوث البيئي وسرطان الرئة والتحجر الرئوي بنسبة 20-30% في السعودية ،
Copyright this business. All rights reserved.
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Mobile 0504331820
جدة -- السعودية
Tampa- Florida - USA
تامبا - ولاية فلوريدا - امريكا الشمالية
United Arab Emirates - Dubai
دبي - الامارات العربية المتحدة
Dr Mohammed Alhaj Hussein
Jeddah 21499
Saudi Arabia